Pairing Scheme

9th Class Test Series

The Punjab Board of Education has announced a new pairing scheme for 9th,10th,11th, and 12th-class students. Under this scheme, students can prepare themselves 100% for exams. This is the way for students to improve their grades and get ahead in their studies. The paper of each board is prepared according to the pattern or scheme. For complete preparation of the students in each subject, especially in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology announced by the board.

In a pattern mention the number of objective questions and short questions, and detailed answers are allotted to each chapter. It is known from which chapter how many objective, short questions, and Long answers will be given in the exam. it’s easier for students to prepare for each subject for the exam.

All Punjab Board Pattern 2023

If you are searching Pattern scheme then feel relaxed at this site all Subject patterns are given below and download them easily.

Here All subject Scheme is presented in detail. If Students are preparing for Chemistry the Scheme they can prepare by following the chapter in Long.

Long QShort QuestionLong QuestionShort QLong QShort Q
Chapter 1 3+Chp 3 (S.Q-3)Chapter 43Chapter 74
Chapter 22Chapter 52(Chp.6=4)S.QChapter 82

For 10th Chemistry

Chapter 9 Chapter 13Chapter 10
Chapter 12Chapter 16Chapter 15

9th ,10,11th,12th Pairing Scheme 2023.